Hi Guys,

You’ve been waiting for it, now we have it, this is our first volunteer opportunity.

August 28th, 2010
Maple Court Veterans Housing
207 Commons Blvd.
Durham, NC 27704

Maple Court on Google Maps

Maple Court is a transitional housing community for homeless veterans. The purpose of the facility is to provide secure, affordable housing with services for veterans who are transitioning from being homeless to self-sufficiency.

As of now, the plan is to construct a raised bed for a community garden.

There are likely some additional projects we will be working on.

I’m waiting on some details from the coordinator as to what they will have and what we need to bring.

Here is a bit more info on Maple Court: Maple Court Veterans Transitional Housing Program

Let me know who is interested/available… target is 10-20 people…if there is a greater turnout – I’ll see about coordinating a 2nd opportunity.

As is customary, we have a discussion thread on ‘Mud to coordinate this event.

Please make every effort to participate in this event.

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